UI / UX Designer
Generate App redesign mainly purpose was to give a new fresh image of the App a new audience group: from older male independent artist to creative 18 to 24 yr old female social media influencers. Also we have to create more interactions between the users to increase the user attachment. This brings the challenge of totally pivot the art style for a different kind of audience while creating a new function that increase the user engagement. One way to overcome this challenge was to take certain design decisions, for example:
- Making the content relevant for the kind of audience.
- Creating graphics that present a concept and make the content easier to understand. Images are adding significance to the text.
- Making Call to Actions more graphical to introduce what will happen next if you click on the button.
- Conducting user research, creating test surveys, designing test experiences, onsite interview, data gathering and giving test results presentations
- Creating wireframe and UI assets